About Us
The Whole Health Consortium at Virginia Tech supports people and their communities to pursue meaningful lives through transdisciplinary solution-oriented research in equitable health and well-being.
Our Mission is to harness a range of expertise to revolutionize systems, research, practices, and policies that affect holistic health and well-being.
Housed in an institution of higher education and innovative research, our consortium focuses on the role that evidence can play in directly improving and advocating for whole health outcomes across a wide range of applications.
We broadly construe whole health research as a transdisciplinary approach to investigating equitable health and wellness solutions that supports people and their communities to pursue meaningful lives.
To conduct transformative research, we radically flip notions of expertise and center issues of health and wellness that people experience in their daily lives across educational, workplace, environmental, technological, recreational, and clinical settings.
Successful whole health research requires a holistic approach in which everyone is involved. Community, industry, and clinical partners are central to this effort.
Our charge is to bring people with like interests but diverse perspectives together through collaborative seed grant opportunities, networking events, and the development of an online directory.
For more details about our Charter, please click here.
Leadership Council

Tina Savla, Ph.D., Director
Professor, Human Development & Family Science; Center for Gerontology

Alexandra G. DiFeliceantonio, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Associate Director, Center for Health Behaviors Research, Fralin Biomedical Research Institute

Matthew Fullen, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Program Leader, Counselor Education
Kathy Hosig, RD, PhD, MPH

Kathy Hosig, RD, PhD, MPH
Associate Professor, Director, Center for Public Health Research and Practice
Karen A. Roberto, Ph.D.

Karen A. Roberto, Ph.D., Ex-Officio
University Distinguished Professor, Executive Director of the Institute for Society, Culture and Environment
Elif Tural, Ph.D.

Elif Tural, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Interior Design, School of Design
Quinton J. Nottingham, Ph.D.

Quinton J. Nottingham, Ph.D.
Department Head, Business Information Technology
Advisory Board

Michael Wampler
Executive Director, Mountain Empire Older Citizens, Inc

Catherine M. Baase, MD
Principal, Dr. Catherine M. Baase Consulting, LLC