Quinton Nottingham, PhD
ACTIVE MEMBER • Associate Professor & Department Head
Business Information Technology, Virginia Tech
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Dr. Quinton J. Nottingham is the Department Head and Associate Professor in the Business Information Technology (BIT) in the Pamplin College of Business at Virginia Tech (VT). He has been on the faculty since the fall of 1995. Dr. Nottigham received Ph.D., M.S., and B.S. degrees in Statistics from Virginia Tech. His research interests involve healthcare analytics, behavioral supply chain risk management, supply chain disruptions, applied statistics, regression, nonparametric regression, logistic regression, time series analysis, and analytics of online behavior. His work in healthcare began by studying patient satisfaction as a function of waiting times and also modeling cancellation/no-shows at hospitals and clinics. Most recently, Dr. Nottingham and Appalachian School of Law received a multi-million dollar grant from Ballad Health to start and study a medical-legal partnership. He is published in various peer-reviewed academic journals. He has served on numerous committees in the BIT Department, the Pamplin College of Business, at the university level, as well as in professional organizations. Dr. Nottingham has held numerous leadership positions in professional organizations.